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A Little Bit About Me

A Storyteller at Heart, Wife, Mother, Businesswoman, Artist, Writer, and now Self-Publisher, & soon to be Graduate from SNHU with a  BA in Communications  and Public Relations.


        Embracing change means taking risks. Having been married for almost 34 years to my amazing husband, David, and the proud mother of two incredible daughters reaching for their own dreams, I have learned that one should never stop growing, striving, or allowing fear to stop you from trying. I took a hiatus from my career to manage my health. As I was ready to re-enter the job market, my confidence was being tested. I found myself unable to compete in the business world because of my age and not having enough education to make it through the online hiring systems. So I knew I had to prove to myself that I could do it. I returned to school to complete my undergrad at 53 years old. It was incredibly intimidating, having not used my academic brain in over 30 years. I graduated  spring 2021! 


         Pivoting my career into a new path to embrace my creative side, I am exhilarated with the possibilities. This past summer, I found myself listening to my gut and wrote Niko Discovers the 5 Senses Game. The subject became my passion after an in-depth study and research paper on childhood anxiety. The need to help in some way pushed me. I loved reading to our children and would make up stories many nights. My storytelling became the typical request over any book on the shelf. So, on the fly, I would create stories, and my audience would indulge me. Quality was never the issue, thankfully!  But becoming a published author? Well, I decided it was time to try, and I worked on it between classes while I searched for the next career path.


It has been an incredible journey of risks, mistakes, failures, redirects, rework, accepting criticism, learning from mistakes, working with editors and book designers who tell you where your weaknesses are. Then, having to learn, persist, and try again has made publishing this book even sweeter. I may have stumbled into my next career. The moral of the story is never allow fear to stop you from learning or reaching for more because you will only fail to achieve your goals if you stop pursuing them.


          Now, on to the next book. Stay tuned...

Where you can find the books locally and beyond!

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In Vermont, you can find the books available for sale at:


Phoenix Bookstores:

2 Center St., Rutland, Vermont

2 Carmichael St. Essex Junction, Vermont



Pyramid Holistic Wellness Center

120 Merchants Row

Rutland, VT 



Arthound Gallery

21 Essex Way #405,

Essex Junction, VT 05452






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